FindFirst a atribut ARCHIVE

Otázka od: Ludek ZITA

21. 6. 2004 9:20

Hledam soubory FindFirst/FindNext a mam problem s tim, ze soubor, ktery
ma smaznuty vsechny atributy nenajdu zadnou kombinaci attributu.
V sysutils jsou definovany tyto konstanty :
 faReadOnly = $00000001 platform;
  faHidden = $00000002 platform;
  faSysFile = $00000004 platform;
  faVolumeID = $00000008 platform;
  faDirectory = $00000010;
  faArchive = $00000020 platform;
  faAnyFile = $0000003F;
Zkusil jsem do sveho projektu pridat jeste
faNoArchiveFile = $00000080;
No a zda se ze to funnguje (viz upraveny priklad z helpu)
Myslite ze je to spravne, resp mohl by to nekdo zkusit na jinem systemu
(W98, XP,XPHome).
Ja to mam na W2000 profi
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  sr: TSearchRec;
  FileAttrs: Integer;
  StringGrid1.RowCount := 1;
  if CheckBox1.Checked then
    FileAttrs := faReadOnly
    FileAttrs := 0;
  if CheckBox2.Checked then
    FileAttrs := FileAttrs + faHidden;
  if CheckBox3.Checked then
    FileAttrs := FileAttrs + faSysFile;
  if CheckBox4.Checked then
    FileAttrs := FileAttrs + faVolumeID;
  if CheckBox5.Checked then
    FileAttrs := FileAttrs + faDirectory;
  if CheckBox6.Checked then
    FileAttrs := FileAttrs + faArchive;
  if CheckBox7.Checked then
    FileAttrs := FileAttrs + faAnyFile;
// dodano
  if CheckBox8.Checked then
    FileAttrs := FileAttrs + faNoArchiveFile;
  if CheckBox9.Checked then
    FileAttrs := FileAttrs + faMyAnyFile;
// dodano
  with StringGrid1 do
    RowCount := 0;
    if FindFirst(Edit1.Text, FileAttrs, sr) = 0 then
        if (sr.Attr and FileAttrs) = sr.Attr then
        RowCount := RowCount + 1;
        Cells[1,RowCount-1] := sr.Name;
        Cells[2,RowCount-1] := IntToStr(sr.Size);
      until FindNext(sr) <> 0;